Shaping the City: How Non-Profits Form the Identity of Milwaukee
Cities are shaped by the people and communities that reside within them, and Milwaukee is no exception. From cultivating film culture, to sharing music, to seeking justice; Nonprofits from all around Milwaukee are slowly shaping our city's identity to what we know it to be today. Milwaukee is constantly evolving, and the leaders of these organizations are pushing it to become a better place for everyone. Nonprofits operate without a goal of profit, so much of the services they provide are based on the needs of people and how to better serve communities. They also heavily rely on donors to make this a possibility.
We explored four very diverse organizations, each with a unique purpose and different goals in defining Milwaukee. The YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) Focuses primarily on the elimination of racism and systems of oppression, as well as empowering women. Milwaukee film exploits the artists and filmmakers of Milwaukee to provide a creative way to connect communities and share art, in addition to their specific program Black Lens. Radio Milwaukee bridges the gap between communities and shares different cultures using the universal love for music. Urban Underground focuses on the future leaders and organizers of Milwaukee, teenagers. Each of these nonprofits provide a specific influence on the people of Milwaukee that shape this city and its identity.