Oriyah Fleming

Hello my name is Oriyah Fleming and I’m a junior at Shorewood Highschool! This semester in visual journalism I have learned different ways to take photos when it comes to angles, close up and away shots. I have also learned different ways to record with different kinds of audio and how to edit my footage on different kinds of adobe apps. Below you will find my work that I did in class this semester. :)

For the high school documentary project, we were to find something interesting around our community that we didn’t have all the answers to and interview people about it. I sat down with Mr. Halloran, one of the teachers of visual journalism, and he talked about some of the memorials around the campus and some background behind them.

For this media documentary my class decided to go with media as our topic and each one of our groups expanded on that. I did a video with Brea and we both went down to SIS and interviewed black girls there on their opinions on social media and how it affects them.

My class had a zine showcase and our theme was childhood fears! Each one of us had our own two pages and we combined it all into one zine! For mine, I chose to draw when I was little going to get a shot as my childhood fear.