Hello, my name is Seif Elsayed. I am a senior at Shorewood High School. When I was signing up for class last year, this class really stood out for me. I looked into it a little more, and instantly knew that I wanted to take it. In the last semester, we worked on a lot of projects involving photography and writing. Here are some of my favorites!

Media Project

For this project, the whole class decided on a theme that everyone will be following, we ended up using a media theme. We asked students and teachers about their opinion on social media and how it affects their daily lives.


Zine showcase

For this assignment we had to write about childhood fears we had when we were kids like monsters or zombies. I chose ghosts because I always believed that they were real.


9 Fingers Assignment

For this project we had to tell a story without any sound. We did this by using the nine different types of shots. This project helped me learn more about videography, and the different types of shots.